Underwater Journal seeks Contributor

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Source: Underwater Journal eNews

Underwater Journal is seeking a contributor. They want to hear from you. Check out the copy of an e-mail below.

Become a Contributor

I am always interested in hearing your thoughts and/or even recommendations to what you like to see in the future - more info, more pictures/less text, etc. My goal is to provide readers with information. I will leave the Disney stuff to publications like Sport Diver.

If you have a story or information in the form of an insider’s guide to a particular dive site or location in the US that you would like to share out side of this forum, I would ( like to hear it. While we are limited at what we can pay for your work right now we can provide the author recognition through a short bio, contact information (email and website addresses), including hyperlinks to their website(s).

Furthermore, anyone whishing to become a contributor need not be worried at not having professional writing skills. What is desirable is that you are a detailed note taker able to record key (what, where, when, and how) information points and facts, combined with a few personal impressions of what you experienced. If you are good with a camera, all the better. From there, (through a little Word-Smithing at our end) we can make it work to provide other readers with something they would enjoy. Trust me, this is how most of the “pros” you see in the dive pubs started out. And half of them are not as good as you think at writing a story.