Different Side of Diving - Nautical Archaeological Survey

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(From My Inbox Today...)

Many people are involved in many sides of the sport of SCUBA. Whether you are into the history of wrecks, marine biology, underwater photography, or what have you, it's always interesting to see what you can do or be underwater.

There is a group that supports Nautical Archaeological Survey, Ohio MAST. "MAST," is standing for Maritime Archaeological Survey Team. Being that they are located near the Great Lakes, they are heavily involved in the documentation of Ohio's underwater historic resources. They run workshops for divers who are interested in techniques of Nautical Archaeological Survey along with the Great Lakes Historical Society etc. Very dedicated group of people.

They also offer shipwreck dive slates available for purchase online, free reports, introduction of wrecks etc. to name a few.

Are you thinking of trying new things in diving this summer? How about getting involved in Nautical Archaeological Survey?

For more information on Ohio MAST, visit: Ohio MAST website

For more information on the Great Lakes Historical Society, visit: