DES - Diving Emergency Specialists

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(From My Inbox Today...)

You may have seen the poster at the shop and wondered what DES Quest was all about. What is it?

DES, Diving Emergency Specialist, is the highest recognition at a provider level offered by Divers Alert Network. This is to award divers that have commited to Dive Safety Educations.

DAN held a promotion called DES Quest in 2006 - those who were recognized as a DES during this promotional period received a surprise in addition to recogntion card and patches etc. - their names were on Alert Diver magazine (DAN member magazine issued by DAN). Pretty exciting.

So far, 5 proud Groupers members recieved this recognition:

Jay Katowitz
Charles Hochhauser
Kei Shimada
Jason Wood
James Vafeas

In order for you to apply for DES, you will need to take DAN O2 for SCUBA and 3 other qualified DAN courses in addition to CPR Training and Rescue Certification. Not too difficult, isn't it?

This year, DAN again will hold DES Quest II from June 1st to December 31st. During this time, when you receive DES recognition, your name will appear in the Alert Diver magazine and entered in drawing for prizes in addition to receive a package which includes a plastic recognition card.

Are you up for the challenge?

For more information on Diving Emergency Specialist, visit: DAN DES site
For more information on courses we offer, visit: Tiedemann's Diving Center Online